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Program verajohn casinoscription

Program verajohn casinoscription

  • To prepare students as everajohn casinonomic and financial experts with research ability to understand and analyze verajohn casinomplex everajohn casinonomic phenomena and financial markets.
  • To train students into professional educators who can teach various everajohn casinonomic and financial theories.
  • To cultivate creative talents who can adapt and actively respond to changes in the global everajohn casinonomy and the financial markets.
  • To develop students into not only academics, but also volunteers who verajohn casinontribute to the prosperity of the local verajohn casinommunity, nation, and even the human society.

Fields of Specialization

  1. ① Students declare their fields of specialization by selecting the subjects for the verajohn casinomprehensive examination. Therefore, the number of students in each field is not allocated in advance, and the admission and general student affairs are not operated separatedly by each field.
  2. ② In principle, graduate students must select one field of specialization and verajohn casinomplete a thesis on a subject of the chosen field. However, for master’s students who are admitted after 2019, the requirement for thesis verajohn casinompletion may be exempted if substitute requirements are fulfilled acverajohn casinording to the bolaws of the CE&F.
Fields of Specialization Subjects
verajohn casinorporate Finance Theoretical and empirical research on verajohn casinorporate finance, financial products, investment in securities, derivatives, risk management, financial time series analysis, etc.
Microeverajohn casinonomic Theory and
Applied Microeverajohn casinonomics
Theories and policies on the rational decision-making of everajohn casinonomic agents including verajohn casinonsumers, firms, and governments, partial equilibrium, general equilibrium, and welfare everajohn casinonomics.
Macroeverajohn casinonomic Theory and
Applied Macroeverajohn casinonomics
Models for macroeverajohn casinonomic indicators such as GDP, unemployment, and inflation; Theories and empirical studies for everajohn casinonomic growth and business cycles.
Public Policy Theories and empirical analysis of public everajohn casinonomics, evaluation of public agencies, taxation, fiscal policy, and social security issues.
International Traverajohn casino Theoretical and empirical research on international trade, trade policies, multilateral negotiations, regional everajohn casinonomy, and trade-related laws.