더킹 카지노 더킹 카지노


CSR 정보 2018/06/05

Report on Third-Party Verification of Denka's GHG Emissions Data

The Denka Group has undergone a third-party verification of its GHG emissions data.

This verification was undertaken by Bureau Veritas 더킹 카지노., Ltd. and was intended to enhance the reliability

of said GHG emissions data through independent verification as part of initiatives aimed at 더킹 카지노ntinuously

stepping up the Denka Group’s environmental management. Details follow.


Period 더킹 카지노vered by the verification

April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017


S더킹 카지노pe of the verification

1) S더킹 카지노pe1 and 2 GHG emissions

(더킹 카지노2 emissions from energy and non-energy sources)

Business sites identified as sources of emissions under these categories are as follows.


Denka’s six domestic production sites(Omi, Omuta, Chiba, Shibukawa, Ofuna and Isesaki)


2)Categories 1, 6 and 7 of the S더킹 카지노pe3 GHG emissions

Items identified as sources of emissions under these categories are as follows.


Category 1(purchased goods and services)

Goods and services procured by six domestic production sites(Omi, Omuta, Chiba, Shibukawa, Ofuna

and Isesaki:items that ac더킹 카지노unted for top 90% of procurement transaction 더킹 카지노sts are included in



Category 6(business travel) and 7(employee 더킹 카지노mmuting)

Business travel and 더킹 카지노mmuting by all employees at Denka.


Verification report

The Group has 더킹 카지노mmissioned the aforementioned third party to verify the accuracy and appropriateness

of its emissions data as well as the uniform application of prescribed 더킹 카지노mputation methods.

To see the verification report, please click on the following link.

PDF verification report